- This website: bearhistory.org :
- QR code:
- Sign up for Interviews, for our archives and eventual podcasts:
- Contact a Board member, or visit our wiki Interviews page: https://bearhistory.org/interviews/
- QR code: use your phone to access it this way:
- Waiver form for interviews: see:
- URL:
- Image version: WAIVER_2.0
- PDF version: https://bearhistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/WAIVER_2.0.pdf
- QR code: main interview page: use your phone to access it this way:
- URL:
- Link to our Go Fund Me campaign: use this link from your phone to donate!
- URL: https://www.gofundme.com/f/capture-the-bear-movements-rich-history
- QR code: use your phone to access it this way:
- Our merchandise store!
- https://www.cafepress.com/shop/bhpi/products?designId=136116998